Interested Investors

To all interested investors. This business began as a simple solution to a problem that we assumed someone somewhere had already solved long ago. Once we realized that our solution was unique and highly appreciated by users we recognized it as something with much more potential and decided to investigate starting this business. Next we spent a couple years refining the design and testing before going to market and selling the Hammer Target on-line. We wanted to see how well the product would be received, gauge interest and verify the market potential, which has now been done. Customer feedback, magazine reviews, and all product reviews have been highly positive. Many of our customers have stated that there is not a better solution available. We have a core product that is elegantly simple, transportable, easy to break down without using any tools, environmentally green and patented. The Hammer Target also has many complimentary products in the works since the system is modular and different head units can be easily switched out. This means multiple revenue streams and even more functionality. We are now at the stage of attempting to scale the business since stores, distributors and many other outlets have taken an interest but we are not currently able to fill these supply channels so we are indeed seeking venture capital or potentially licensing the patent if we are unable to increase manufacturing capacity. We are open to all ideas that will expand this enterprise because we believe that, one way or another, Hammer Targets will be available and successful at a national and then international level. I learned a very important lesson serving Hewlett Packard for many years - you can make a quality product, sell it with integrity and both sides will win. This is how I conduct all business, finding the win/win for all parties involved so if you are interested in participating in this endeavor while potentially making a very strong return, please give us a call at 208.440.9934 or write us an email at

Please remember – all ventures such as this involve risk and this is no longer a time when a small company can secure a business loan at a local bank. All players in the sporting markets are powerful but a truly good idea or new platform can disrupt this market segment and make a great deal of profit. Large risks should yield large returns for those who supply the capital and we believe that is what indeed lays ahead for Hammer Targets. Strong profits through multiple revenue streams because we re-invented the entire platform. Anybody who bets on our vision deserves to make a commensurate profit. Thank you.


Member of the NSSF.

We are proud members of the National Shooting Sports Federation (NSSF), known to be The Firearm Industry Trade Association.

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Patent Protected.

Because of the Hammer Target’s uniqueness, we have patented our target design which protects the many new features embodied in this platform. This is the first target of its kind and is made with the best materials, research and craftsmanship.


Made in the U.S.A.

All of our products are made in the United States by an experienced steel fabricating company.

Our Values

Hammer Targets LLC is a company which values ideals such as transparency, quality, fairness, gun safety, customer focus and doing the right thing. Many other people are involved in the manufacturing of Hammer Targets and they are all employed in the U.S.A. This is one of our biggest values; create and keep jobs in the United States. Thank you for supporting these hard-working individuals and the Hammer Targets team.